Sunday, May 24, 2015

Wildlife in South Africa

Wildlife in South Africa is both dangerous and fascinating.  

Nothing can compare to the feeling of riding out on a game drive and experiencing the nature of South Africa.  The closeness one feels to nature, the connectedness to the Earth, the feeling that we are all one coherent unified group of animals roaming the Earth floods you instantly.  Ocassionally, your driver and guide will stop the car on nightime game drives.  You look to the stars, hear the sounds of nature roaming the wild, and then, suddenly, without warning, a leopard will run right past you,and you think to yourself, "I'm in Africa..." 

And the world hits you like a ton of bricks, you realize how small you are, and how big you are... You realize that there is a collective consciousness.There Is a oneness to everything... You can clearly see that we are all part of a symbiotic ecosystem that spans across galaxies.  That there is no divide, there is no "me" only an us.  You look back to the stars, you take comfort in them, and you know, that there is no greater service to humankind than to protect that which we have, that it is limited, that our resources are precious, that you, me , us, we are together in this... And you know you must serve the planet well. You know your responsibility to the world  the universe and beyond, and that you are a small, but important part in maintaining the planet on which we live, and that you must be a great steward of what we have, so that we can maintain who we are, and strive to both preserve our natural world and that you must go above and beyond to initiate a change in the collective of the animal kingdom, which you are a part of... and that you are a part of a greater plan.  So you start to make the changes necessary in your life that will make a difference among men, nations, and people across the world. You begin to KNOW, not just realize, that you are the difference.  So you settle into your new role.  You begin  to see the that you are the game changer.  And this revelation comes bursting to the surface. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

SA day 3 cont'd B

At 3:00, I made my way back to the lodge where high tea was waiting for us as we prepared for our first evening game drive.  We mounted our vehicles, and soon we were out in the bush.  This is what I saw:

SA - Day 3

It was 5:30 am and I rushed to place by baggage into our transport vehicle. 5 of us packed into a midsize suv , and begain our six hour journey from Preoria to our final destination, Thorny Bush Game Reserve.  Within minutes we found ourselves driving out of the city and into the wild countryside of South Africa.

Stopping at a rest stop we found ourselves surrounded by a mixture of rural South Africans, urbanites, and foreign tourists.  I smoked a cigarette and watched a herd of water buffalo grazing not more than 500 feet away. We hopped back into our vehicle and moved faster down the road to our destination.

As we raced further into the countryside, flat land gave way to winding roads, hillsides, and eventually we screamed through mountainous lush greenery complete with epic waterfalls, dangerous cliffs, and we bounced through roads that had potholes the size of small craters.

Eventually, we made the left turn into Thorny Bush game reserve.  Within minutes we were surrounded by nature.  Here is what I saw:

SA - Day 3 cont'd

As we checked in and we're greeted by a wandering interested giraffe, we were welcomed by a staff that was definitely five star.  Warm lemon scented towels were handed to us, and we were ushered into the five star camp, given a quick tutorial about how the animals are free range and wandered through the camp, and we were definitely welcomed and observed by a group of curious monkeys.  Eventually we made our way to our rooms, and... this is what my room looked like:

SA day 3 cont'd C

Around 7PM, I made my way back to my room, freshened up for dinner, and made the short journey back to the lodge where I had an amazing meal of 5 star excellence.  I met and spoke with a local citrus farmer, and we discussed the global impact of farming in South Africa.  Eventually, I walked back to my room, enjoyed a night cap while sitting on my porch, and I thought, "Holy crud... I'm in Africa."

Monday, May 18, 2015

I have arrived.

I arrived in South Africa and breezed through customs with the ease of a professional traveler. I was met at the airport by my driver, who was assigned to me for the duration of my travels. As I arrived at my hotel destination, I was greeted with warm smiles, lovely food, and my very good friend Lesego. An evening of friendship, and the fellowship of travelers lifted my spirits to no end.  And it was only the beginning... The beginning of my epic journey in Africa.

Pictures to follow...